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8 tips to write a military resume for a corporate career

Are you a veteran transitioning from military to corporate life? Writing a military resume for a corporate career can be difficult as the two are very different and require different skillsets. 

However there are a lot of transferable skills from your Military Career that can be immensely beneficial in a corporate setup. 

I. Transferable Skills from your Military Career to Corporate Career

The military is an incredibly valuable training ground for the corporate world. 

Many veterans don’t realize how many transferable skills they have acquired during their time in the military. 

From leadership and communication to critical thinking and problem-solving, veterans have developed a wide range of skills that can easily be applied to the corporate world. 

Highlighting these skills on your military resume and connecting them to the job you are applying for will help you make a successful transition.

II. 8 Tips to write your military resume

1. Highlight Your Military Awards in Resume

Make sure to list all of the awards you’ve received during your service and explain their significance. This will help recruiters and employers understand the accomplishments you’ve achieved while in the military.

2. Showcase Leadership of Military Units and Offices in Resume

Be sure to include any leadership positions you held during your service. This shows your ability to lead, organize, and manage teams. It will also demonstrate your ability to take initiative and make decisions.

3. Technical Skills in your Military Resume

Your military service likely gave you some technical skills that you can transfer to the corporate world. List the technical skills you’ve acquired while in the military and explain how they can be applied in a corporate setting.

List your IT & Computers, Programing, HR, Operations skills prominently. 

4. Training and Certifications

If you’ve received any certifications or specialized training during your time in the military, make sure to list them on your resume. This will show employers that you’ve acquired the necessary skills to succeed in their industry.

5. Use Action Verbs

When writing about your military service experience, be sure to use action verbs to describe your duties and responsibilities. This will help employers better understand the scope of your experience and the impact of your work.

6. Showcase Your Soft Skills

People handling and conflict resolution under pressure situations is a great skill that a veteran acquires during his military career. 

Many such soft skills are transferable to the corporate world. Be sure to showcase any soft skills you’ve acquired, such as communication, problem-solving, and conflict resolution.

8. Use Relevant Keywords

When writing your resume, be sure to use relevant keywords that recruiters and employers are likely to search for. You need to read your Job Description to get this right. 

This will help you stand out in the job market and make your resume easier to find.

You can take professional help if you are transitioning from military to corporate for the first time. This will save you from missing out on crucial opportunities. 

By utilizing these 8 tips, you can write a military resume that will help you transition into the corporate world. Good luck!


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With a trajectory spanning from engineer to Ex-President of Sales at Whitehat Jr, Gaurav Yadav is a dynamic leader and startup consultant. Armed with an MBA from the Indian School of Business, he scaled organizations to 5X+ multiples, hiring over 4000 team members. A strategic mind and influential CXO, Gaurav passionately guides careers and shapes startup growth strategies, leaving an indelible mark on every venture he touches.


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